Legacy Gifts for Our Parish
Jesus told us, “whatever you do for the least of my brothers, you do for me.” Every day, we have the opportunity to see the face of Jesus in others and be the face of Jesus to others.
St. Paul of the Cross Parish and the archdiocese steward your gifts in many ways. Please continue to keep “the least of our brothers” in your prayers, and pray for the wisdom and strength to recognize those needs. One of the ways you can provide support is through a gift from your:
Will or Trust
Retirement Assets
Life Insurance Policies, or
Charitable Gift Annuity, which provides you with fixed payments for life and remaining funds will benefit our parish.
Create or update your estate plans today by contacting your estate attorney and financial advisor. For more information, please visit myimpact.archchicago.org/resources or contact Deacon Greg Vogt, Philanthropy Officer, Archdiocese of Chicago at 312-995-0686 or
Please visit our website at www.spc-church.org/post/planned-giving
to learn about other planned giving options.
Thank you for considering St. Paul of the Cross Parish in your giving!
Demonstrate Love for Thy Neighbor with a QCD Gift
Jesus told us “whatever you do for the least of my brothers, you do for me.” Every day, we have the opportunity to be the face of Jesus to others. One way you can support your fellow Catholics is by making a gift directly from your individual retirement account (IRA).
A qualified charitable distribution (QCD), also known as an “IRA Charitable Rollover,” allows individuals age 70½ or older to authorize their IRA administrator to directly transfer up to $100,000 annually from their IRA to qualified charities, tax-free.
There are three main benefits of supporting the Annual Catholic Appeal with a QCD gift:
If you are 72 years old or older, the amount you transfer can satisfy all or part of your required minimum distribution.
The amount transferred directly to charity does not generate taxable income, which may reduce your annual income level. This may help lower your Medicare premiums and decrease the amount of Social Security that is subject to tax.
Your gift will directly support the necessary work of parishes, Catholic schools and vital ministries throughout the archdiocese, allowing you to see the impact of your gift now.
If you would like information on how to make a QCD gift to the Annual Catholic Appeal, please contact Deacon Greg Vogt, Philanthropy Officer, Archdiocese of Chicago at 312-995-0686 or gvogt@archchicago.org.
Please visit our website at www.spc-church.org/post/planned-giving
to learn about other planned giving options.
Thank you for considering St. Paul of the Cross Parish in your giving!
Leave a Legacy to Bring Hope to the World
As we stand before God’s promise to make all things new, please consider one of the greatest acts of stewardship an individual can make by including a gift to the Annual Catholic Appeal in your will or trust. A bequest can be made to the Annual Catholic Appeal using the following language:
“I give [insert specific dollar amount, or percentage of net or residuary] to The Catholic Bishop of Chicago, Tax ID #36-2170826, a corporation sole located in Chicago, Illinois, to be used for the benefit of the Annual Catholic Appeal. However, if the Annual Catholic Appeal ceases to exist in its current form, then to the new ministry erected in its stead.”
Please consult an attorney and financial advisor when drafting your will or trust. For more information, please contact Deacon Greg Vogt, Philanthropy Officer, Archdiocese of Chicago at 312-995-0686 or gvogt@archchicago.org.
Please visit our website at www.spc-church.org/post/planned-giving
to learn about other planned giving options.
Thank you for considering St. Paul of the Cross Parish in your giving!
A Tax-Savvy Way to Support the Annual Catholic Appeal
Our prayers, financial support and direct involvement in the Church’s outreach in parishes, education, religious and ministerial formation, initiatives for justice, peace, and respect for life - all focus on the transformation God promises and our responsibility to collaborate with the Lord.
One way you can reclaim God’s promise and once again take up your responsibility is by making a direct gift of securities and mutual funds that have appreciated in value and have been held for more than one year.
When you donate appreciated securities or mutual funds to the Annual Catholic Appeal, you can reduce or even eliminate federal capital gains taxes on the transfer. You may also be entitled to a federal income tax charitable deduction based on the fair market value of the securities at the time of the transfer. For more information about donating stock or securities, please contact your financial advisor.
To make a stock donation to the Annual Catholic Appeal, please visit
archchicago.org/stockgiftform and complete the electronic Letter of Intention form. Once you have submitted the form, you will receive a confirmation email with detailed instructions for you to complete your gift. If you have any questions, please contact Karen Whitehead, Archdiocese of Chicago at 312-534-7461 or kwhitehead@archchicago.org.
Please visit our website at www.spc-church.org/post/planned-giving to learn about other planned giving options.
Thank you for considering St. Paul of the Cross Parish in your giving!
Leave Your Legacy Through a Bequest
As we begin the New Year, please consider one of the greatest acts of stewardship an individual can make by including a gift to our parish in your will or trust. A bequest can be made to our parish using the following language:
“I give [insert specific dollar amount, or percentage of net or residuary] to The Catholic Bishop of Chicago, Tax ID #36-2170826, a corporation sole located in Chicago, Illinois, to be used for the benefit of St. Paul of the Cross Parish located in Park Ridge, Illinois. However, if St. Paul of the Cross Parish ceases to exist in its current form, then to the new parish or parishes erected in its stead.”
Please consult an attorney and financial advisor when drafting your will or trust. For more information, please contact Deacon Greg Vogt, Philanthropy Officer, Archdiocese of Chicago at 312-995-0686 or gvogt@archchicago.org].
Please visit our website at www.spc-church.org/post/planned-giving
to learn about other planned giving options.
A Tax-Savvy Way to Support Our Parish
Direct gifts of securities and mutual funds that have appreciated in value and been held for more than one year are popular assets to use when making a gift to our parish.
When you donate appreciated securities or mutual funds to our parish as an outright gift, you can reduce or even eliminate federal capital gains taxes on the transfer. You may also be entitled to a federal income tax charitable deduction based on the fair market value of the securities at the time of the transfer. For more information about donating stock or securities to St. Paul of the Cross Parish, please contact your financial advisor.
To initiate the stock donation process, please visit archchicago.org/stockgiftform and complete the electronic Letter of Intention form. Once you have submitted the form, you will receive a confirmation email with detailed instructions for you to follow to complete your gift. If you have any questions, please contact Karen Whitehead, Archdiocese of Chicago at 312-534-7461 or
Please Remember Our Priests
Priests have dedicated their lives to the ministry of God’s children, serving our needs as Catholics without asking for anything in return. Now, it is our turn to show our love and care for their ever-faithful support. Please consider including a legacy gift for Priests’ Health and Retirement to support the healthcare needs of our active priests, as well as the medical and housing needs of our retired priests.
For more information, please call Priests’ Health and Retirement at 708-449-8026. If you would like to make a gift today, please visit prmaa.org.
Please visit our website at www.spc-church.org/post/planned-giving to learn about other planned giving options.
Thank you for considering St. Paul of the Cross Parish in your giving!
____________________________________________________________________________Have You “Insured” Our Parish?
A life insurance gift is a powerful and simple way to provide future support for our parish. Here are two ways to give a gift of life insurance to St. Paul of the Cross Parish:
Name our parish as a beneficiary of the policy. Simply update your beneficiary designation form with your policy holder and list the beneficiary as: “St. Paul of the Cross Parish, The Catholic Bishop of Chicago, a Corporation Sole.”
You can name our parish as the primary beneficiary for a percentage or a specific amount, or make us the contingent beneficiary so that we will receive the balance of your policy only if your primary beneficiary doesn’t survive you. This is a great option if you want to have access to the cash value of the policy if you ever need it or if you want to retain the right to change the beneficiaries of a policy depending on family circumstances.
Make an outright gift of an existing policy. You can irrevocably name our parish as owner and beneficiary of a policy with accumulated cash value that you and your family no longer need. You qualify for a federal income tax charitable deduction when you itemize on your taxes. Also, if you continue to pay premiums on the policy, each payment is tax deductible as a charitable gift, if you itemize.
For more information on making a gift of life insurance to our parish, we recommend you consult with your financial planner, attorney or insurance representative. Please contact Deacon Greg Vogt, Philanthropy Officer, Archdiocese of Chicago at 312-995-0686 or gvogt@archchicago.org with any additional questions.
Please visit our website at www.spc-church.org/post/planned-giving to learn about other planned giving options.
Thank you for considering St. Paul of the Cross Parish in your giving!
Legacy Gifts for Our Parish
Jesus told us, “Whatever you do for the least of my brothers, you do for me.” So, every day, we can see the face of Jesus in others and be the face of Jesus to others.
St. Paul of the Cross Parish and the archdiocese steward your gifts in many ways. Please continue to keep “the least of our brothers” in your prayers and pray for the wisdom and strength to recognize those needs. One of the ways you can provide support is through a gift from your:
Will or Trust
Retirement Assets
Life Insurance Policies, or
Charitable Gift Annuity, which provides you with fixed payments for life and remaining funds will benefit our parish.
Create or update your estate plans today by contacting your estate attorney and financial advisor. For more information, please visit myimpact.archchicago.org/resources.
For a free step-by-step guide to reviewing your estate plan, please contact Deacon Greg Vogt, Philanthropy Officer, Archdiocese of Chicago at 312-995-0686 or gvogt@archchicago.org.
Please visit our website at www.spc-church.org/post/planned-giving to learn about other planned giving options.
Thank you for considering St. Paul of the Cross Parish in your giving!
What Will Your Legacy Be?
We hope you will consider including a gift to our parish in your will or trust to support the future of our faith community. A bequest can be made to our parish using the following language:
“I give [insert specific dollar amount, or percentage of net or residuary] to The Catholic Bishop of Chicago, Tax ID #36-2170826, a corporation sole located in Chicago, Illinois, to be used for the benefit of St. Paul of the Cross Parish located in Park Ridge, Illinois. However, if St. Paul of the Cross Parish ceases to exist in its current form, then to the new parish or parishes erected in its stead.”
Please consult an attorney and financial advisor when drafting your will or trust. For more information, please visit giving.archchicago.org/bequest or contact, Deacon Greg Vogt, Philanthropy Officer, Archdiocese of Chicago at 312.995.0686 or
Please Consider a QCD gift for Our Parish
You can make a gift from your individual retirement plan (IRA) that benefits you and our parish. A qualified charitable distribution (QCD) allows individuals age 70½ or older to authorize their IRA administrator to make a direct transfer of funds from their IRA to qualified charities, tax-free.
There are three main benefits of giving with a QCD:
If you are 73 years old or older, the amount you transfer can satisfy all or part of your required minimum distribution.
The amount transferred directly to charity does not generate taxable income, which may reduce your annual income level. This may help lower your Medicare premiums and decrease the amount of Social Security that is subject to tax.
Your gift will be immediately used, allowing you to see the impact of your gift now.
If you would like more information on how to make a QCD gift to St. Paul of the Cross Parish, please contact Deacon Greg Vogt, Philanthropy Officer, Archdiocese of Chicago at 312-995-0686 or gvogt@archchicago.org.
Q: Who Needs an Estate Plan? A: Everyone!
Your estate includes everything you own, regardless of size. If you want your assets to be given to the people and charities you care deeply about after your passing, then it is important for you to establish a formal estate plan. Not only will it give you peace of mind, but your loved ones will also appreciate not having to make tough, stressful decisions during an already tough time.
There are five key elements to an effective estate plan: (1) financial power of attorney, (2) will, (3) beneficiary designations, (4) charitable beneficiary designations, and (5) health care documents, such as a living will and a health care power of attorney.
Please consult an attorney and financial advisor when creating your estate plan. For more information, please visit myimpact.archchicago.org/resources. To request the free guide, “Tips for Creating an Effective Estate Plan,” please contact Deacon Greg Vogt, Philanthropy Officer, Archdiocese of Chicago at 312-995-0686 orgvogt@archchicago.org.
Take Advantage of Highest Payout Rates in Over a Decade!
As we walk on the road with Jesus, you can reflect his Light and support our sisters and brothers who make this life journey with us by considering a gift to the Church that pays you back – a charitable gift annuity. When you establish a charitable gift annuity with the archdiocese, not only will you receive fixed payments for life, but you can designate our parish as the remainder beneficiary.
How It Works:
• Make a gift of $10,000 or more to the Archdiocese of Chicago. Fund your gift annuity with cash or securities.• Receive fixed payments for life – for yourself or a loved one aged 60 or older. Payment rates are based upon the age of the annuitant at the time you establish the gift annuity.• Enjoy immediate and future tax benefits, including a federal income tax deduction for a portion of your gift, if you itemize. You can schedule payments according to your financial needs, and a portion of each annuity payment will be tax-free (through life expectancy).• The funds remaining after your lifetime will support our parish or school – as designated by you.
For more information, please visit giving.archchicago.org/cga. To receive a free, no-obligation personalized illustration of how you could benefit from a Charitable Gift Annuity, contact Krystina M. Campbell, Planned Giving Officer, Archdiocese of Chicago at 312-534-5404 or kcampbell@archchicago.org.
A Tax Free Way to Support St. Paul of the Cross
Please consider making a gift from your individual retirement plan (IRA) that benefits you and our parish. A qualified charitable distribution (QCD) allows individuals age 70½ or older to authorize their IRA administrator to make a direct transfer of funds from their IRA to qualified charities, tax-free.
There are three main benefits of giving with a QCD:
1. If you are 73 years old or older, the amount you transfer can satisfy all or part of your required minimum distribution.
2. The amount transferred directly to charity does not generate taxable income, which may reduce your annual income level. This may help lower your Medicare premiums and decrease the amount of Social Security that is subject to tax.
3. Your gift will be immediately used, allowing you to see the impact of your gift now.
If you would like more information on how to make a QCD gift to St. Paul of the Cross Parish, please contact Deacon Greg Vogt, Philanthropy Officer, Archdiocese of Chicago at 312-995-0686 or gvogt@archchicago.org.
Please consider a gift through your individual retirement account (IRA) in support of our parish.
Please consider a gift through your individual retirement account (IRA) in support of our parish. If your family’s needs are being met, you may wish to include our parish as a beneficiary. By naming St. Paul of the Cross Parish as a beneficiary, you will provide crucial financial support to our parish and the entire value of your gift will be transferred to us free from federal estate and income tax. It costs nothing to change the beneficiary on your retirement plan and will mean everything to our future parish community.
You can contact your IRA administrator and request a change-of-beneficiary form to include St. Paul of the Cross Parish as a recipient of your good stewardship. Please consult with your account administrator for more information, or contact Deacon Greg Vogt, Philanthropy Officer, Archdiocese of Chicago at 312-995-0686 orgvogt@archchicago.org.
A Tax-Savvy Way to Support St. Paul of the Cross
Your commitment to supporting priests’ well-being is commendable. Consider including a legacy gift for Priests’ Health and Retirement to help address the healthcare needs of both active priests and the medical and housing requirements of retired priests. Your generosity will make a lasting impact.
To learn more, you can reach out to Priests’ Health and Retirement at 708-449-8026. If you’d like to make a gift today, visit their website at prmaa.org. Your contribution will be deeply appreciated and remembered in the prayers of the priests within the Archdiocese of Chicago.
August is National Make-A-Will Month. Please Remember St Paul of the Cross in Your Will or Trust
When considering which charities to include in your will or trust, we hope you will remember St. Paul of the Cross. A bequest can be made to our parish using the following language:
“I give [insert specific dollar amount, or percentage of net or residuary] to The Catholic Bishop of Chicago, Tax ID #36-2170826, a corporation sole located in Chicago, Illinois, to be used for the benefit of St. Paul of the Cross Parish located in Park Ridge, Illinois. However, if St. Paul of the Cross Parish ceases to exist in its current form, then to the new parish or parishes erected in its stead.”
Please consult an attorney and financial advisor when drafting your will or trust. For more information, please visit giving.archchicago.org/bequest or contact Deacon Greg Vogt, Philanthropy Officer, Archdiocese of Chicago at 312-995-0686 or gvogt@archchicago.org.
Bring Christ to the World Through Your Legacy
As we stand before God’s promise to make all things new, please consider one of the greatest acts of stewardship by including a gift to our parish in one of the following ways:• Will or Trust• Retirement Assets• Life Insurance Policies• Charitable Gift Annuity
For more information or for a free step-by-step guide to reviewing your estate plan, please contact Krystina M. Campbell, Planned Giving Officer, Archdiocese of Chicago at 312.534.5404 or kcampbell@archchicago.org.