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  • Writer's pictureMark Dwayne

Snow Shoveling for Seniors

Updated: 12 hours ago


Brisk winds will soon be replaced with snow drifts. LET’S GET READY!

Most of you know that each year, I try to compile a list of Park Ridge senior residents who might want a hand during the coming snow season. Once the list is compiled, we farm it out to local Cub Scouts, Girl Scouts, or Boy Scouts who will swing by after each snow to clear sidewalks, a path to the door, or even just access to garbage cans. It’s a win-win-win-win-win; here’s how:

1. We look out for our elderly neighbors.

2. Kids are outside (away from electronic devices) getting exercise and learning the value of hard work.

3. Parents get quiet time... perhaps to prepare the hot chocolate for their deserving children.

4. Kids don’t use loud annoying snowblowers.

5. Collectively, we become stronger as a community. Neighbors wave more, and people recognize each other by name.

I am (once again) reaching out to canvass for names and addresses of area seniors who would like to be added to our list. PLEASE POST THIS OFFER TO YOUR RESPECTIVE DISTRIBUTION LISTS. Feel free to list me as the point of contact; phone number is below.

Together, we can make Park Ridge even more of... A Wonderful Place.

Joseph Steinfels 847-877-2583


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