Matthew: The King and His Kingdom
24-week Bible study entitled "Matthew: The King and His Kingdom" takes place on Wednesdays at 7:00 pm or Thursdays at 9:30 am in the Holy Family Chapel
Matthew: The King and His Kingdom shows how Jesus fulfills God’s promises to Israel and establishes his kingdom on earth.
Through references to the Old Testament promises of God to his people and the messages God sent them through the prophets, Matthew provides the key to understanding the rest of the New Testament and Christ as the fulfillment of God’s plan.
Jeff Cavins explains how Jesus is challenging and empowering us to achieve a new level of holiness and how, to live it, we must be thoroughly immersed in the kingdom of heaven on earth, the Church.
“Once you start learning, he makes you hunger for more. Jeff pulls everything you need to know out of the Bible, and it all starts to make sense like it never did before." —Margaret T.
The registration fee includes Matthew: The King and His Kingdom workbook which provides session overviews, home reading assignments, engaging study questions, responses, and talk notes for the video presentations.
Weekly Study Sequence: Wednesday evenings or Thursday mornings home preparation - Read the Bible and answer the homework questions in the Study Set, which are a way to learn from within the heart of the Church.
Small Group Discussion: Small group discussion begins each class session. Participants share what they have learned and glean from others’ insights to get a fuller understanding of the passages they have read, followed with answers provided to the Study Set questions as an aid.
Video Lecture: Follows discussion and presents a Catholic perspective of the readings.
Student study sets are $35 and registration is required. To register, please complete this registration form.
You may either pay online by clicking here, by sending a check to our rectory, or by paying at first attendance. Checks should be made out to St. Paul of the Cross Church and include Matthew in the memo line.
For more information contact George Kirkland at: (847) 692-3251 or geokirk@georgesue.com.