Music Requirements for Weddings
Contact: Edward Eicker
A Christian wedding should be characterized by dignity, reverence and joy. It is not only the solemn exchange of vows by an engaged couple, but it is also an act of worship in which the bride and groom, along with their family and friends, come together to offer thanks and praise and to ask God’s blessing on their life together as husband and wife. It follows, then, that it is a communal celebration; the guests are there not as mere spectators, but as worshippers. They should be drawn into active participation through prayer and song so that they may share more fully in this holy and happy occasion.
The music selected should be of a Scriptural nature. i.e. taken from the Bible or identifiable as a prayer. The text of the song should speak directly of the divine-religious dimension of love or clearly imply it. The integrity of the Mass should be maintained, and a song which would not be heard at Mass on Sunday is doubtfully appropriate for use at a Nuptial Mass. Please remember that the marriage rite is a sacrament which takes place during the Mass; the Mass is still a Mass and the rite occurs within it.
Please Note: the use of a secular song or instrumental will be allowed only as a recessional after the Mass is complete.
Music for Weddings (Mandatory)
Each couple should attend one “Music for Weddings” meeting. Meetings are held several times throughout the year usually on a Wednesday night at 7:30 p.m. in Duffin Hall. To register for Music for Weddings please contact the Parish Office.
Try to attend the meeting at least three months prior to your wedding date.
Listen to the wedding music selections on our Wedding Music website and carefully complete the wedding music Planning Form. Be sure to fill in all necessary information.
This will be your only meeting with the music staff. All other planning/correspondence will be done through e-mail/phone.
Additional Music Requirements
St. Paul of the Cross requires the use of its in-house accompanists (organ/piano). Outside organists and pianists are not allowed.
All additional vocalists and instrumentalists (i.e. violin, trumpet, flute, etc.) will be hired by the St. Paul of the Cross music staff.
In the exceptional situation that you wish to use a friend or family member as your vocalist, he or she must be an experienced cantor, familiar with the Catholic liturgy, and its musical repertoire. A rehearsal with the vocalist will be required, and an additional rehearsal-fee of $50 paid to the organist.
All fees for musicians must be paid two weeks prior to your wedding date.
The fee for the organist/consultant is $300. All other parish musicians are $250 each.
Should you decided to forgo an organist/pianist entirely and use an alternate ensemble, (i.e. string quartet) a “coordinators fee” of $150 must be paid to the organist who was assigned to your wedding.