About the Sacrament
The Sacrament of Reconciliation is also known as the sacrament of Penance or Confession. Throughout the Gospels, there are various times when Jesus tells people that their sins are forgiven and to go and sin no more. In John 20:22-23, Jesus tells the apostles "Whose sins you forgive, they are forgiven them."
The Reason for Reconciliation
The best reason to approach this Sacrament is to reconcile with God, His Church, and His people. Our participation means we recognize and accept responsibility for our actions and understand that they affect others and our relationship with God. The precepts of the Church indicate that all Catholics should receive this Sacrament at least once a year, though you are welcome and encouraged to approach this Sacrament as often as needed.
Reconciliation Schedule
Monday - Friday: 8:00-8:15 am
Saturday: 3:00 -4:00 pm