Contact: Edward Eicker
Music at St. Paul of the Cross
Like many Catholic parishes, at St. Paul of the Cross, music plays an important role. We take great pride in having one of the best music programs in the Archdiocese. With six weekend Masses we are blessed to have professional musicians who use their talents and skills to enhance all of our services. Our cantors are trained singers and they help lead worship for the weekend Masses, and are also available for the seventy plus weddings and over one hundred funerals conducted each year.
St. Paul of the Cross Offers Variety
We are proud to offer diverse forms of music within worship. The upper church provides a more traditional approach to both liturgy and music. We have several music groups to address these diverse demands. In addition to our Adult Choir in the upper church, we have a Contemporary Ensemble which has been providing music for a number of years on the first and third Sunday of each month. We also have an active Children's Choir that enhances our worship in the upper church. Our Teen Choir also sings monthly in the upper church in a style that is more contemporary.
The lower church (Holy Family Chapel) offers a more relaxed, family-oriented Mass. In Holy Family Chapel the music is provided by a number of capable musicians that make up The Holy Family Chapel Choir. The Teen Choir also assists with the music in Holy Family Chapel at times. The parish is grateful for their dedication!
Contemporary Choir
Contact: Ed Eicker
The Contemporary Choir sings at the 9 a.m. upstairs Mass on the first and third Sundays of the month from Sept. through May. This group offers a variety of contemporary music to enhance our worship. Rehearsals are on Wednesday evenings from 7 - 9 p.m.
Children's Choir
Contact: Ed Eicker
The Children’s Choir is a great way for your child to actively participate in the liturgy! If your child is in grades 3 - 8 and enjoys singing, encourage him or her to join the choir. The Children’s Choir sings at one Mass each month from Sept. through May. Rehearsals are on Monday afternoons from 4 - 5 p.m. in Duffin Hall. If you have noticed that your child expresses an interest in singing, encourage him or her to join our children's choir.
A Note From the Director, Ed Eicker
When I began working here as the Adult Choir Director, I expressed interest in starting a children's choir. At my previous church, I directed two children's choirs, as well as a children's cantor group. Fortunately, Fr. Britto shared my enthusiasm.
I have always felt that children's choirs are important to the church for several reasons. For one, they encourage children to take on a more active role in the liturgy. The children's choir will not only teach your children to sing correctly, but it will foster in them, a deeper understanding of Catholic liturgy, and music's role in it as well. In addition, as children get older, graduate, and move on to high school, many often decide to sing with the adult choir. This provides the adult choir with new voices, and somewhat eases the difficult task of recruitment. Lastly, singing is a fun and positive activity that anyone can do. Studies even suggest that children who participate in school music programs get better grades and develop a strong self-image.
Adult Choir
Contact: Ed Eicker
The Adult Choir has been singing in the Upper Church for over fifty years. They are noted for having performed much of the best choral compositions written for the Church. Presently they sing at the 10:30 a.m. Mass on Sunday and on major Holy Days. They are a very dedicated group of nearly fifty men and women who see singing in the choir as a real ministry to the parish. They rehearse on Thursday evenings in Duffin Hall from 7 to 9 p.m.
Do you enjoy singing at Mass, in the car, or even in the shower? Why not consider joining St. Paul of the Cross' Adult Choir? The Adult Choir is always looking for enthusiastic people of all voice types who love to sing and who would like to participate.
Music adds so much to the Liturgy, adding another dimension to the prayer of the community. Singing has a long history in our worship, starting with King David, who composed the Psalms. Come and join us and help to keep the tradition of beautiful music at St. Paul of the Cross alive and well!
You can watch the full Sing4Him documentary about St. Paul of the Cross' Adult Choir on Shalom World's Youtube Channel. This documentary features interviews with Ed Eicker, Andrea Bartolomeo as well as many members of our choir.