Protecting God's Children
All St. Paul of the Cross volunteers over the age of 18 must complete training that is mandated by the Archdiocesan Office for the Protection of Children and Youth
Virtus Training
All volunteers must attend Virtus Training. New volunteers need to register for a class. If you have already attended a class you must continue to read the training bulletins that are provided. To register for class and to read training bulletins go to www.virtusonline.org. Instructions on how to register for Virtus can be found here.
The CANTS form for the State of Illinois Department of Children and Family Services needs to be completed each fall and turned in to the program administrator or your Ministry Leader.
Code of Conduct
The Code of Conduct form needs to be completed when you first volunteer. The form needs to be turned in to the program administrator or Ministry Leader for your program.
Mandated Reporter Training
Catechists, coaches, scout leaders and volunteers as well as anyone volunteering for Youth Ministry programs need to complete this training. You will need to complete an online course that takes about 25 minutes: http://.mr.dcfstraining.org. The completion certificate will need to be turned in to the program administrator or Ministry Leader for your program.
Background Check
If you interact with minors you will need to complete a background check. Your background check will be completed through your Virtus account. You can download instructions here.
Youth Group
Contact: Anna Mae Parkhill
The main focus of our youth group is to engage young people to take ownership of their faith through various service, liturgical, and social activities and to also work on becoming witnesses to Christ’s mission. Throughout the year, we offer many opportunities to get young people involved in the parish as well as the surrounding community.
Read more: Youth Group
Young Adult Ministry
Contact: Beshar Bahjat
"The Young Adults Ministry nourishes and supports the spiritual growth and personal balance of people in their 20s and 30s (married or single) by fostering relationships, serving God and others, and exploring their faith journey.
Read more: Young Adult Ministry
Boy Scouts
Contact: Jonie Montalbano
The mission of the Boy Scouts of America is to prepare boys who are between the ages of 11 to 18 to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetime by instilling the values of the Scout Oath and law.
Cub Scouts
Contact: Josie Gramith
The mission of the Cub Scouts is to prepare boys who are between the ages of 6 to 11 to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetime by instilling the values of the Scout Oath and law.
Girl Scouts
Contact: Karen Huber
Girl scouting builds girls of courage, confidence, and character who make the world a better place.
School Athletic Board
Contact: Jon Hortness
The purpose of the Athletic Board is to advise and assist the Athletic Director in setting policies and broad guidelines for inter-scholastic programs for students of our school and to assist the principal and the pastor in selecting the Athletic Director.