
Our Facilities

Nick Testa

Our Campus

St. Paul of the Cross has a well maintaned campus that lies across two city blocks.  Our campus includes three parking lots, two school buildings, a rectory, Church, Ministry Center as well as a centennial garden where vegetables are planted for our food pantry every spring. All buildings on campus are air conditioned. Handicap access to the church is provided by an exterior ramp on the west side of the church. The Morello Parish Life Center is also handicap accessible. A comprehensive list of parish meeting spaces can be found below.  


Reserve a Meeting Space 

Campus meeting rooms are strictly reserved for parish-related events. Sacraments at St. Paul of the Cross receive priority scheduling. If you would like to reserve a meeting space, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Room Usage Policies  

In order for St. Paul of the Cross to maintain a quality campus, guidelines for the usage of meeting spaces have been established. As stewards of our resources, each ministry reserving space on campus agrees to the following guidelines:

• If a special set up is needed for an event, serving of food, or audio visual equipment is required an Event Set Up Form needs to be completed two weeks prior to your event.

• The number of attendees and overall size of your event should be proportional to the facilities you are requesting. We may suggest a different venue if your event can be accommodated in a smaller room.

• The maximum occupancy refers to the limit on how many people are allowed to occupy a room while standing or seated in chairs. This number decreases with each table that is set up.

• You will be responsible for proper disposal, clean up, and removal of all food, beverages, and decorations at your event.

• Access to keys cannot be granted without approval of your event. Keys must be checked out from the parish office the day of your event, must remain on campus, and need to be returned to the parish office after your event.

• You will be given up to two hours prior to your event start time for set-up. Exceptions to this policy must be approved by the business manager or the pastor at least one month prior to the event.

• Fire exits must have five feet of clearance from all set-up and must have a clear path.

• Lights must be turned off following your event, windows and doors must be locked. 


Serving or Selling Alcohol at Parish Events

We are required to obtain a Temporary Liquor License from the City of Park Ridge if we are serving alcohol at a parish or school event. If alcohol will be sold at an event, we are required to obtain temporary liquor license from the state, in addition to the license from the City of Park Ridge. If you are not sure if a temporary liquor license is needed please contact Nick Testa, Campus Manager.

Please follow the guidelines below when coordinating your event at St. Paul of the Cross:

  • Parish staff should be notified when you reserve space for your event that you will be serving or selling alcohol, this will prompt the process of applying for a temporary liquor license

  • A temporary liquor license must be secured at least two weeks before an event to avoid cancellation or rescheduling of your event. This means the application will need to be submitted to the city no later than one month in advance of the event

  • Parish staff will obtain the necessary Certificate of Insurance, fill out the forms for the city, obtain the pastor's signature, and email all completed documents to the event host/coordinator

  • The event coordinator will be responsible for signing a form for the City of park Ridge to make sure that no one is over-served. This form will be included in the aplication materials.

  • It is the responsibility of the event host/coordinator to make sure the temporary liquor license has been applied for and will be ready

  • Alcohol will stop being served 1 ½ hours before the event ends

  • Liquor cannot be served at school events if children will be in attandance

If alcohol will be sold at your event we will also have to apply for a State Liquor License. This process takes an additional 2–3 weeks.

Please contact Sandra Labouvie, Director of Operations, if you have any questions. 


Available Meeting Spaces at St. Paul of the Cross

Duffin Hall

- Maximum Occupancy: 154
- Maximum Occupancy with tables: 72
- Tables Available: 12 - 6ft. Rectangle
- Chairs Available: 75
- Duffin Hall is not handicap accessible.
- No tables and chairs (guest seating) can be set up in the kitchen area.

Holy Family Chapel

- Maximum Occupancy: 426
- Because this space is primarily for worship, use of this room is restricted to religious events only.
- Special set ups are not permitted in this room.
- Food and beverages are not permitted in this room.

Holy Family Chapel Kitchen

- Maximum Occupancy: 25
- Tables Available: 2 - 6ft. Rectangle
- Chairs Available: 16

Kinane Center First Floor

- Maximum Occupancy: 30
- Tables Available: 2 - 6ft. oval
- Chairs Available: 12 in dining room; 10 in parlor; 15 folding chairs
- Special set ups are not permitted in this space.
- Food is allowed on a limited basis. Kitchen may not be used for food preparation.
- The Kinane Center is not handicap accessible
- TV / VCR / DVD - available in this room with a work order.

Kinane Center Second Floor Conference Room

- Maximum Occupancy: 20
- Tables Available: 1 - 8ft. Rectangle
- Chairs Available: 7, plus 2 sofas
- The Kinane Center is not handicap accessible.
- Special set ups are not permitted in this space.
- Food and beverages are not permitted in this room. Water only.

School Library

- Maximum Occupancy: 30
- Tables Available: 7 - 4ft. Rectangle
- Chairs Available: 30
- Special set ups are not permitted in this room.
- Food and beverages are not permitted in this room.


School Lunch Room

- Maximum Occupancy: 160
- Maximum Number of Tables: 20
- Maximum Occupancy with Tables: 160
- Tables Available: 20 - 5ft. Round
- Chairs Available: 160
- Special set-ups are not permitted in this room.
- The kitchen area is restricted to adults
- No events/meetings during school hours.

Parking Lot (Washington Street)

- Tables Available: 14 - 6ft. Rectangle; 18 - 8ft. Rectangle; 37 - 5ft. Round
- Chairs Available: 600
- No events/meetings during school hours.

Morello Parish Life Center A/B Meeting Rooms

- Maximum Occupancy: 49
- Maximum Occupancy with Tables: 40
- Tables Available: 5 - 5ft. round; 5 - 6ft. Rectangle
- Chairs Available: 48
- TV / VCR / DVD - available at all times for use in this room.

Morello Parish Life Center Gym

- Maximum Occupancy: 571
- Maximum Occupancy w/Tables: 430
- Tables Available: 32 - 5ft. round; 18 - 8ft. Rectangle
- Chairs Available: 500
- No tables and chairs (guest seating) can be set up in any hallway.
- You may set up registration/check-in tables against the walls in the hallway as long as they are 8ft. rectangles and not 5ft. rounds.
- The kitchen area is restricted to adults.
- No events/meetings during school hours.

Upper Church

- Maximum Occupancy: 800
- This space is primarily for worship. Use of this room is restricted to religious events only.
- Special set ups are not permitted in this room.
- Food and beverages are not permitted in this room.

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Contact Information

St. Paul of the Cross

320 South Washington Street
Park Ridge, IL 60068

View Larger Map

Phone: (847) 825-7605

Mass Schedule

UC = Upper Church
HFC = Holy Family Chapel 

Monday - Friday

6:25 am UC

8:30 am UC


8:30 am UC - weekday Mass

4:30 pm UC - vigil


7:30 am UC

9:00 am UC

10:30 am UC and HFC

12:00 pm UC